V I C O S A ™


A new, natural approach to sinus health.

Clinically proven to improve sinus health by restoring sinus microbiome and reducing hypersensitivity reactions, Vicosa™ is our new approach - 100% natural and backed by rigorous research - to help relieve symptoms of sinus sensitivity.

Apart from improving sinus health, Vicosa® also alleviates eczema conditions with its natural ability to inhibit growth of pathogens as well as to manage immune hypersensitive reactions commonly observed in people with allergies.

For Maintenance:
Take 1 capsule daily after a meal.

For Extra Support: Take 2-3 capsules daily, divided across meals.

Bundle deals can be found under “SHOP” tab.


What is in Vicosa™?

Vicosa™ is specially designed to support skin and sinus health, which may relieve allergy-related symptoms such as eczema and sinusitis.

  • Contains signature ingredient Probio65, a lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kimchi, a proprietary strain of freeze-dried Lactobacillus sakei from South Korea.

  • Contains vitamin C to boost immunity, fight infection, reduce inflammation, and improve eczema conditions

  • Contains inulin which is a soluble, prebiotic dietary fibre from natural chicory root that induces an increase of beneficial colonic (Lactobacilli, Bacteroides) flora


Testimonials From Our Customers

Mrs Ong, mother of a 7 year-old girl

I cannot thank Vicosa enough for helping my daughter with her eczema. She has eczema since she was a baby. After circuit breaker, her skin worsened and became weepy, and we couldn’t do anything to nurse it back to before. She constantly wanted to scratch it. At night, she could'n’t sleep well and kept waking up to scratch. Every morning we could see the blood stain on her bed. It was heart breaking for us as parents.

We saw a doctor who prescribed steroid cream. She got better but after 1 week after we stopped the medication, it will come back. We knew steroid wasn’t the solution. It was then we got to know about Vicosa and started the journey. It’s amazing how after 1 month her skin is no longer weepy. She can finally sleep through the night without constant scratching. Even though her leg still has some redness now on and off, I can see how much her skin and even her life has improve before we started Vicosa. We are thankful that we got to know about Vicosa!

Shunyi, 35

“I get super itchy blisters - the watery kind - almost immediately after I take something sensitive. After having ice cream that day, I felt a bit of the itch coming up, and then I saw some bumps forming, but I continued to take Vicosa and apply my creams, and the next day it did not actually flare up but subsided.”

Serene, 37

“I have been taking Vicosa for almost 2 months and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Before Vicosa, I would have runny nose and sinus issues in aircon environments as often as three to four times a week, sometimes even every day. With Vicosa, just 1 tablet a day, my problems are completely gone and I no longer have mucus dripping out of my nose uncontrollably. I am able to enjoy the aircon environments in peace and comfort and do not have to worry about embarrassing situations arising. It is such a relief and I am thankful for Vicosa.”


FAQ with our brainy in-house consultant:

  • Studies have shown that chronic sinus inflammation is associated with decreased sinus bacterial diversity and the relative increase in specific sinus pathogens. Lactobacillus sakei is clinically proven to be effective in reducing immune hypersensitivity reaction, such as with sinusitis and eczema conditions, by working against pathogenic bacteria growth and promoting a more balanced immune system.

  • Lactobacillus sakei is commonly found in food products from all over the world. It can be isolated from various flours, fermented cabbage, seafood, and meat products. Apart from its natural presence in Korean Kimchi, it is also routinely used as starter culture for sausage and biopreservation of fresh meat due to its antibacterial properties. It adapts well to extreme conditions, and grows and survives well in acidic and cold environments. 

    It is worth highlighting that Lactobacillus sakei is found to be significantly reduced in the sinus microbiome of individuals with chronic sinusitis, and commonly found in healthy individuals without sinusitis. For instance, Lactobacillus sakei is often detected in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy adults.

    Lactobacillus sakei has been vigorously tested for its ability to suppress growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella species. 

    Lactobacillus sakei has obtained the “Health Functional Ingredient” certificate from the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) for its promising health benefit in reducing unwanted hypersensitivity reactions.

  • There are more than 30 trillion microbes that reside in our body and they are collectively known as the microbiome. This staggering number of microbes contribute directly or indirectly to our health, particularly in our immunity, metabolism and nutrient absorption.

    Even though the greatest number is found in the colon, diverse microbial communities have been identified in different body habitats including our skin, mouth, sinus, and airways. Changes to the microbiome are found to be tightly associated with disease progression. 

    Sinus microbiome, as the name suggests, refers to the community of microbes that live in the sinuses. Studies find that individuals with chronic sinusitis have significantly less Lactobacillus sakei in their sinus microbiome when compared to healthy individuals without sinusitis.

    When our sinus microbiome is disrupted due to illnesses, infections, allergies, or use of antibiotics, it can cause both acute and prolonged sinusitis. By re-introducing Lactobacillus sakei to our bodies (targeting both sinus and gut microbiome), it has been shown that sinus health can be improved naturally and without any risk of side effects. 

  • Apart from sinus health, interesting findings have been reported with regards to its effect relating to skin health. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, children aged between 2-10 years who have been supplemented with Lactobacillus sakei for 12 weeks showed substantial clinical improvement with their atopic dermatitis (eczema) syndrome. This is attributed to its ability to reduce allergic reaction via immune cell regulation as well as to suppress growth of pathogenic bacteria.

  • With our new packaging, you can keep Vicosa™ at room temperature, by your bedside, on your dining table, or kitchen counter, anywhere that’s dry and cool, and convenient.

  • Yes, it is absolutely safe for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. As with any food or supplement, in the event of unwanted reactions, do stop immediately.

    Our products have not been linked to any side effects. All our products are made with stringent clinical and manufacturing standards and are backed up with rigorous research.