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F I B E R + + +

Are you looking to reduce constipation, inflammation, and digestive discomfort?

Our modern, fast-paced lifestyles often leave us fiber-deficient. That's where Fiber+++ comes in.

Designed to be diabetic-friendly and gentle on your system, Fiber+++ is a prebiotic powerhouse packed with essential nutrients to support optimal gut health.

Enjoy even greater benefits when combined with our Vicosa™, Vicopyl®, or Vicome™ probiotics.

Discover more about Fiber+++ here.

Want to boost your gut health?


V I C O P Y L ®

Are you bothered by bloating, indigestion, acid reflux?

Stomach infections affect 50% of the world population.

Vicopyl® contains a proprietary Lactobacillus strain that improves your stomach health. It lessens bloating, indigestion and acid reflux, reduces the risk of gastritis and peptic ulcers, and reduces the load of Helicobacter pylori infection, which may eventually lead to stomach cancer.

To learn more about Vicopyl, click here!

Had enough of your indigestion and gastric issues?



Sinusitis is usually treated with drugs and controlled with nasal sprays. We believe — no, we know — there is a better way.

Vicosa™ is a 100% natural supplement that relieves symptoms of sinusitis caused by allergies — blocked nose, sneezing, headache, runny nose — without the short and long-term side effects of drugs.

In fact, while drugs only temporarily treat symptoms, our supplements help to boost your overall immune health and reduce hypersensitive reactions in your body. In other words, we get to the root of your heath issues by promoting an immune system that is balanced and that works well. To learn more about Vicosa, click here.

Want to improve your sinus health?



Are you striving for improved metabolic health, but wary of the potential side effects associated with conventional slimming pills?

Vicome™, a revolutionary probiotic solution that supports metabolic health in a safe and natural way. Unlike traditional weight management supplements, Vicome™ is free from laxatives and stimulants.

Vicome™ is specially designed to improve metabolic health, by supporting lipid and glucose metabolism for safe weight management. To learn more about Vicome™, click here.

Want to improve your metabolic health?


⁠Trusted Probiotic Supplements for Your Family's Health.

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A science-based, natural approach to health supplements. 100% natural ingredients. Backed up by rigorous clinical research.
A deep commitment towards quality and efficacy. For people who want to take their health seriously.

Health, we say, is the new wealth.

Learn more about our mission.


Did you know that your body is a wonderful healing machine? But in this modern society we live in, it needs all the help it can get. We’re here to help.

The increasingly toxic world we live in — environmental pollution; highly processed food; the over-use of fertilisers, pesticides and antibiotics in agriculture, chemicals in the household products we use every day — means that our body is bombarded at all times by toxins, and needs all the help it can get.

This help comes in the form of micronutrients and good bacteria, which help our immune system to perform at its best, which in turn leads to good health.

Want to know more about the important relationship between supplements and your immune system?


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